Thursday, June 10, 2010

In the future

In the future,
Will there be love?
Will there be heartache?
Will there be paint?
Will there be earthquakes?

These are all questions we ponder in the early morn or the late eve. But in all seriousness, what does the future hold? We like to think there will still be a need for making people (will there be people?) laugh. We like to think there will still be a need to communicate. We like to think these things due to the sheer fact that we've invested so much of our time and energy into them in the present. Think about what time and energy we (collectively that is) invested into in the past that are still with us today. Washing machines. Cars. Electricity. Bleach. TV. Yes, TV. And we're back. Back on to where we so beautifully began. That gorgeous specimen of modern invention that keeps us company when no one else will, that calms our ails when we ail, that buoys us up when we're sinking low and that teaches us the real lessons in life. We're talking about life lessons. From people who were well written and seamlessly styled. These are the gems we can carry around with us and use in moments that may not be so cleverly contrived. They are our superpowers. TV gives us these. And much more. TV of the future?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Sneak peak at the shows on Channel One!

Monica and her assistant on her show "He's Your Man Now!"

Heidi is contestant #1 on "Ursula's Realty Coach"

The Mono Sisters

Thursday, June 3, 2010


In the future, are we going to have people who all at once conjoin different senses and can't remember anything about their lives? Would this be a evolutionary step up? Or just self preservation? Or could it just be annoying, cloying and repetitive.

I think they would be called a synesthesiac.

They might talk a little like this:

What's that smell? Oh it must be this song. ... Or is it? Is it this song? What is this song? I mean I know it's blue, but what's it called? It tastes so familiar, it's on the tip of my brain. Oh hell. Hot. Is it? Are you someone I knew before? Are you important? You look like three, but that could just be me.

This could be in our future. Or yours.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

We're here

We're getting the ball rolling and stepping out into the light.
Here's something to tease the appetite for what's about to happen.

In a world where television has been abandoned, one channel remains.
Channel One.
We're the only ones left.
We will say this: "Everyone has a vice and everyone can give advice".

And then you can find us on facebook* for more info and photos and.
*click here