This is where you can see photos of us in action! We'll start with most recent first and go from there. We also have a photo blog started on our travels out west and north, you can find those adventures here: Also check out the EVENT page here to see photos from our Carnival of Pranks and the Screening of Shorts & our TV Pilot!
Channel One Canada Tour 2011.
View photos from our tour up North!PHOTOS OF CHANNEL ONE IN ACTION:
Channel One Canada Tour 2011.
Photo Credit: Jona Stuart.
We did a month long run at Triskelion Arts in Brooklyn with a new show each week!
Photo credit: Toure Folkes.
We performed pieces of Channel One all over NYC and premiered the full legnth version at the
2010 NY Clown Theatre Festival at The Brick Theater.
Photo credits: Jim Moore, Luke Burrage and Shan Raoufi.
These were the first shots of our first characters for Channel One! Photo Credits: Sulai Lopez, Jeff Davis & Matthew Gribbon.
Our promo shots over the years. Heads in space to heads in TVs. Photo credits: David Rosenzweig & Matthew Gribbon. Design credit: James & JF.